
Welcome To OnlyMythic's Site

There's many thing to be explorered on this site and there will be many resources this site will hold over time. We hope you enjoy it and stick around.


Hypixel Guides

We have some Hypixel Guide which you may find very useful. We also give credit to original posters/creators.


Share Your Images

Please do not hesitate to share your image with everyone else. We would love to see your ideas and creativity or whatever image you stumble aupon thats awesome. Please give credit to original creators if you can.


A new update to SkyBlock's Pets system has been released including the Taming Skill, New Pets, Pet Items, Upgrading, and more! For information on what changes are included, check out the details below.

► Taming Skill and Pet Score
A new skill has been added to SkyBlock as a companion to the pet's system. Taming XP is granted simply by leveling up pets. Leveling up the skill grants you extra pet XP and pet luck, a new stat that increases the chance to find pets in the wild and also increases the chance to craft better pets.

Along with the Taming skill, rewards have been added to collecting unique pets! Each unique pet now gives a score based on its rarity and upon hitting milestones of points you gain permanent magic find! Check it out by hovering over the diamond in the pets menu.


► New Pets
This update contains 16 new pets from various areas, we don't w ... Read more »

Category: Hypixel News | Views: 137 | Added by: OnlyMythic | Date: 20/05/06 | Comments (0)

After long hours and allot of techy coding stuff (Not really). I have finally reached a decent end result for the community site. This site will act as a hub to everything. I plan to add and do allot with this. Now the reason I held the release off for awhile was so I could add a local database for users so it doesn't force/display any personal information. Feel free to sign up and post on the forums or even share photos in correct sections. 

Category: OnlyMythic Updates | Views: 113 | Added by: OnlyMythic | Date: 20/05/06 | Comments (0)